Friday, October 15, 2010


It is often said that "if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it". It is also said that "projects go wrong one day at a time". Therefore, the experienced change manager will seek to measure progress, cost and quality on a continuous basis. In every meeting, consider what is being measured, and what this is telling you. Good practice in measurement involves:

  1. Designing plans and tasks to facilitate measurements.
  2. Making multiple measurements of progress using different techniques
  3. Never rely only on statements by team members, always look for a physical measurement
  4. Understanding the nature of the uncertainties involved
  5. Seeking independent evidence to backup measurements

Measurement can be formal (run-rate charts on walls) or informal (discussions with team members), but in either case the important thing is to update your risk, assumption, dependency, issue and opportunity logs (RADIO) immediately your measurements tell you something.

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