Monday, October 18, 2010

The path less well trodden

Really complex change projects often do not have a clear critical path.  You may be able to describe the critical path at a high level, but the complexity of interdependencies and changing reality on the ground make it impossible to analyse in detail.

Such projects are characterised by having multiple possible critical paths, each with emergent behaviours.  During the time you spend analysing the plan, things have changed.  In these cases, trying to optimise the sequence of activities is foolhardy.

In these circumstances my strategy is to keep one eye on the strategic programme, whilst taking action to maximise the quality and volume of work available for each team and person.  This approach is based on the assumption that ensuring people are efficient and effective will ultimately protect any critical path that emerges.

Note the word "quality" here means ensuring work is well defined and with the minimum of constraints.  This is the project managers role; clearing the way and removing uncertainty.  Don't ponder on impossible planning options, instead ask yourself what small thing could we do right now that takes us forward?

It is important when adopting this strategy to manage your RADIO every day, for it will reveal the critical path, and point to the actions required to maintain progress.

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